Sunday, February 24, 2013


LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: R2D2 Tube. Duration : 2.85 Mins.

Wow, I am really lazy. It's kinda sad that it took me this long to FINALLY get around to shooting and uploading this robot, even though its final tweaks have been completed for a month. But anyway, here is my next project! It is an R2D2 robot. Who on earth doesn't recognize that cute little astro-droid? Some of you may notice that this design is based roughly on Brian Bagnal's version of R2D2 in "Maximum LEGO NXT, Building Robots with Java Brains" which he called R2MeToo. The body of the robot is almost the excact design used in that book, and for that I give Brian Bagnal much credit; however, the caster wheel, head, light sensor, two touch sensors, and accelerometer are my own designs. Plus I made the entire program from scratch. This robot does not perform super well on living room carpet, but I guess acceptable. So, what does it do? It does a lot of things. When you start the program, the head automatically calibrates itself with the touch sensor, next, it moves forward until it sees an object in front of it, (for example, a wall), then it stops, looks left, right, and which ever direction had more distance, R2D2 heads that way. If R2D2 is tipped over, then he will stop turning his wheels, and play a surprised sound. If he is tipped over with enough force, or is being accelerated more than he should, then he will scream! If he goes into a dark room, then he will stop, and be very quiet until either the lights are turned back on, or if you stop the program. So, this ...

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